Without Joy Read online

Page 2

  “Will you please get my father, King Saffron?” I asked with a polite smile, though nervousness coursed through me.

  The man looked surprised but happy with the request, “Yes Princess Amaryllis, I will get your father right away” he said with a small bow before he scurried off again, his feet moving faster than before.

  I leaned against the walls of the corridor, fiddling with my fingers. I saw my father's tall form strut down the hall towards me, many people maneuvered out of the way with nice bows. He always had this effect on people. He has deep black hair that my twin brother Elm and I inherited from him and Brown eyes way different than our green ones, He was tall and vigorous, he wears his crown proudly on his head.

  “Father, I have surprising news,” I said giving him a short hug. He was stiff and didn’t do anything to return the hug.

  “What is it that's so important, you know I was in an urgent meeting with the Queen of Ozeana,” he said with a small frown of frustration.

  Queen of Ozeana was the ruler of the kingdom of oceans also known as Ozeana, the divers and Marines lived in her country, they do everything involving the sea, in fact, their kingdom was in the sea, and the walls of the kingdom were made out of great glowing rocks and glass.

  “I'm sorry father, I just wanted to tell you that the gates opened to the Lumine training building, you know the one in the woods,” I said truthfully. Tension lined my back.

  His frown deepened. “I thought I told you to stay far away from that place, I don't want you in the forest at all.” He said with a stern face. He was rarely happy. He was more of a serious man. He used to be more lighthearted, but the world had changed him.

  “Yes father” I mumbled rolling my eyes, “but that's important information.”

  He nodded “Alright I’ll talk to Queen Petunia soon about her Lumine training building, but I'm sure she's got her reasons.” He said with a reluctant huff. He swiftly turned around and walked away leaving me standing there looking at the spot where he had been with a frown. I walked up the large stairwell up to my room, done with my day.

  My living quarters was a large sitting room with tons of blankets and cushions a fireplace that already had a fire in it to keep the room warm, and a desk in the corner. The desk had different types of carving knives and wood shavings everywhere. Different wood sculptures from as small as my hand to as big as me covered the room. A large pile of wood sat next to the desk. It was the only part of the room I asked my maid not to clean. There was a dark wooden door that led to my bedroom. It was a large room with a big King size bed with multicolored blankets and pillows, a Large closet and a Tall standing mirror. The carvings covered this room also, and because of my bedroom is the only room in the castle that is wood, I carved on the walls too. It was a beautiful effect.

  I stared at myself in the mirror, My dark green eyes stared back at me, My eyes reminded me so much of my mother. I was skinny and not too tall, but I wasn't short either. I pulled my long curly black locks of hair free from its messy braid, It hung down to my hips with a lighter color to the tips from the sun. I really hated my hair. It stood out so much and was always all over the place, It wasn't pretty. Freckles lined my nose and cheeks, and my skin was an olive tan color from being in the sun all day every day. My eyes had a kind of sad look to them. I was wearing a long Dark green cloak that matched my eyes and black pants, My shirt was a soft silky cream color. I wasn't beautiful but many people I knew called me that. I would smile and thank them, but inside I would disagree and roll my eyes at them.

  I sunk into my bed and curled into the soft cushion of my many pillows and blankets; before I knew it my eyes were closing into a dreamless sleep.

  . . . . .

  I woke up in my dark room, I could see the light of the moon shining through my window. I could already feel the need for the cold water of the lake.

  I sat up and slipped on my slippers and a little nightgown. I walked down the empty halls of the kingdom. I stepped out to the fields behind the castle, I looked down at the dirt on my feet and ankles from walking barefoot in the woods, a small smile crept up on my face when I thought about the lake only a short distance away.

  I regarded my slippers and nightgown leaving me in only my undergarments. I jumped into the lake, and the only sound was me swimming in the lake, the hoots from the owls, and chirping of the crickets.

  I swam around for a long time, my long hair straitened in the water. It was cold and stung against my skin.

  Father would frown upon this, saying it was not polite for a princess to sneak out at dark and go jump in a lake; In fact, he wouldn't want me in the lake in the first place. I smiled at my own defiance. I swam until my limbs were sore and I could swim no more. I still floated on my back in the lake watching the sun come up.

  I heard a rustle in a bush and my eyes widened and saw a man walk across the field, I didn't recognize this man, and he wasn't wearing any kingdoms clothing designs. He didn't see me, so I held my breath under water just in case he was a danger to me.

  I was afraid he was a Lumine. It made me want to panic. I had always been curious about them but not enough yet to confront one, maybe soon.

  Once he walked by, I got out of the lake dripping wet and threw on my nightgown and slippers and hurried into the castle, back into the room so I could dry off and change. I wanted to tell father about the man, but I didn't want him to know where I was so late at night. I lay back on my bed to catch a little more sleep before the next day. I thought about all that had happened that day, what if the man came from the Lumine training center? What if he was a Lumine?! I couldn't sleep with that thought in my head, A killer, a warrior without a purpose wandering free?! People could get hurt. He was around my age, I had turned 17 in April. April was a long time ago.

  I bit my lip, should I tell my father of the man I saw or would he take it as unimportance like the Lumine gates opening. The man was wearing weird clothes out of leather, they were torn and had what I think is blood on them. His hair looked like he cut it himself, shaggy brown. I didn't get to see his eyes, but I knew he was tall and his skin looked like it never touched daylight. He was definitely not from here, all the farmers had a tan because of all the days spent outside farming. My thoughts were stopped when my twin brother walked in the room.

  “Amary, oh there you are” Elm flashed me a bright smile a lot like my own, but his curly black hair was cut short and out of the way. It would bounce when he walked.

  We both had green eyes, but mine were dark like a storm was brewing in them while his were light green as the fields of Beral.

  “Father sent me to tell you that the forest is off limits for the next week because they are hunting a dangerous man, he’s a stranger to the land, they never got a real glimpse of him, but he’s been wandering the lands and looks feral. The archers will shoot at anything, and father doesn't want an arrow in your chest.” My brother said.

  I doubted father would care if an arrow penetrated my chest, but I knew this man, he was the stranger I saw in the fields last night while I was in the lake. I would never tell my brother that, but I would warn the man because he has done nothing wrong but dawdle around the fields. I don't know why I didn't feel that endangered by the Lumine I saw wandering around.

  “I will not go through the forest I promise Brother,” I said with truth in my voice. I never promised him I wouldn't go in it; I just couldn't go through it. That is different from going into the forest, through the forest meant that I had a destination past the woods that I needed to go through it for.

  In the forest meant I would amble along a path with no destination. Right?

  He only nodded, but I could tell he didn't believe me one bit, after all, he was my twin brother, He knew that I loved trickery, I thrived on it, lived for it. He also knew what I loved more than trickery, I loved the forest, and loved to practice fighting with my sword there, and taking Zinnia on runs there, I also collected wood for my carvings there.

  It was like a se
cond home to my heart. He knew it and knew there was no way he could keep me away from it, He was aware that I would look for the man, I could see it in his eyes, He was my twin brother, after all, we were closer than 2 peas in a pod.

  I gave a small nod, and walked past him, barely hearing him whisper “Be careful.” I slowed a little but never turned around or stopped.

  “You don't have to worry about me, brother,” I said before walking faster again.

  I left him standing there with a small frown and the knowledge that I was going to the forest.

  II Dawdling Through The Forest


  I wandered deeper into the woods, looking for the boy that had escaped my training center.

  The Ignorant Guard fell asleep in the control room accidentally opening the gates of the training center, and one of my Lumine had escaped during that time. Right now that guard is getting his proper punishment of torture then death. That may seem cruel, but it's really not, such a simple mistake could hurt many innocent people, he gets paid more than most jobs do, and he was warned about the punishments if one of them escaped. I was just trying to protect the innocents I am not bad.

  I walked into the darkest part of the forest, as silent as a mouse. I was wearing my sword tucked under my belt and 5 throwing knives were strapped on my chest just in case. Hopefully, the Lumine hadn't found a weapon yet.

  I saw something move in the forest, “Stop where you are or else death will come upon you in the worst way imaginable!” I screamed my warning. I heard shuffling of feet in response, and saw the shadow of the figure; I pulled out one of my throwing knives out and purposely missed hitting a tree just a few inches from the shadows face. I heard a yelp of surprise and fear. It made me feel warm because they feared me. “I don't miss on accident, but if you stop right there I may spare your life,” I yelled.

  I pulled out another knife when the figure turned in my direction. “Please don't throw the knife” The figure yelled back, The voice was one of a girl. I withdrew my sword and walked towards her. Finally, I saw who she was when her face came into view. She was Amaryllis princess of Beral.

  I shook my head. “Princess Amaryllis weren't you told not to wander the forest until the hunting has been finished,” I said with my mouth pulled into a tight line of frustration.

  Her eyes widened, then her face transformed to one of power. “I am not one for dwelling on fear of Lumine, I can take care of myself, and father will not boss me around,” she said, I could see the defiance in her face.

  I pulled my knife out of the tree next to her and spun it between my fingers, inspecting it carefully. She leaned against the tree, eyeing the knife warily. I set my hand on the side of the tree and put the knife against her neck and getting close to her face, and whispered in a soft tone. “You must realize that it's not the Lumine you have to fear girl. Not everyone is trustworthy, You may take care of yourself. You should know that if I were one of my Hunters, you wouldn't be standing here with that look of defiance on your face. You would probably be dead on the forest floor with this knife in your throat, You don't want that do you?”

  Her eyes were wide as she let out a little squeal “No” she said.

  A small smile formed on my lips, “Then maybe you should listen to your father” I whispered before pulling away and turning around. “Go home now Princess, before your father worries,” I said.

  I heard her hop on her horse, “Yes Queen Petunia, I'm sorry to get in your way; I'll be heading home now.” She said. I could hear her voice shake softly.

  I watched her horse dash away towards Beral.

  I let out a small chuckle putting my weapons away tucked safely out of sight.

  “I must tell the soldiers about the girl, I fear she is a danger” I muttered to myself. I genuinely worried she would spoil my plan with her curiosity. I would speak to someone on my way back.

  I stayed out until the sun was creeping down from the sky turning into darkness, with no luck finding the dawdling Lumine. By nightfall, I was frustrated and ready to go back to my kingdom. By the time I got back, it was time for the sun to rise high into the sky for the next day. I was tired, but my work was not nearly done, the girl was a problem for I could see in her eyes she was looking for the lost Lumine.

  She would be dealt with soon...

  III Moth With Butterflies


  The village was alive with life at the day. I had only wandered the streets once because I stood out like a moth with butterflies, people were always eyeing me warily, and one time someone screamed and ran yelling “guards.”

  I would not enter that place again. It scared me to think about what would happen if the guards got me. I didn't want any guards to take me back to the place I had lived all my life; I was sure this was the place that Joy always talked about. Where her family lived, where people loved her, She told me about her brother and sister and mom and dad, I had none.

  I watched the streets hidden behind a merchant shop so not to get caught.

  Something caught my attention, A young woman on a horse, a little younger than me. I watched as people flocked around her giving her small polite bows and she smiled down at them, But she looked distracted, I could see it in her eyes something was bothering her. Her long curly black locks of hair were braided but still went down to her hips and swayed with the motion of the horse. She turned her dark stormy green eyes scanning the people, and then finally landing on me peaking between a merchant's shop. They stayed on me like a gravitational pull.

  Her eyes widened a bit, and I could see the fear flash in her eyes, but then curiosity took it over right after.

  One of her hands made a forwarding motion like she wanted me to follow her. She turned away then rode by. I followed her between merchant shops, but she didn't look at me again. She climbed off her horse a few shops away from me tying her horse to a pole so it wouldn't get stolen, she pet the black stallion's mane softly. She turned and headed in my direction. Again her eyes rested on me, she walked past me with only a few words whispered from her.

  “Meet me at the lake behind the castle when the moon is full in the sky,” She said then turned around abruptly and untied her horse, I watched as she jumped on and rode away. It was like she only got off to talk to me. I did not know who this young girl was, But she knew me somehow, I had seen recognition flutter through her eyes.

  I wandered around watching the streets carefully and watched how the crowds lessened when the sun finally faded from the sky. Horses dragging wagons of items were pulled away down the dirt roads back to their farms waiting for the next day. When the moon was high in the sky nobody was outside. I snuck back around the castle and saw the lake, the castle lanterns shimmered against the soft movements of the water. I saw the girl standing there, she stood straight and tall, her shadow cast into the lake. She was fidgeting and looked a little nervous and frightened.

  The girl turned, and I could feel her eyes on me as I walked towards her. Her hair was pulled back into a long braid again, but I could see the curly locks pulling free from it.

  “Hello.” She said when I was close.

  “Who are you?” I asked. I could see a small smile play across her lips.

  “I'm none of the importance, but I think you are, the real question is who are you?” She asked with a curious look in her eyes.

  “If I tell you who I am will you tell me who you are?” I asked. It took her a second of hesitation to think but finally she nodded.

  “I'm Nate, I was born in the building in the forest, but that's not my home anymore. I have no home.”

  She nodded, and then stuck her hand out in a friendly way. She looked confident, but I could see her face showed a bit of fear.

  “I already knew where you were from Nate, I just needed to make sure, I am Amaryllis, but my brother calls me Amary.” I shook her hand confused about how she already knew where I was from.

  “Queen Petunia is looking for you and she will kill you if she finds you. I
saw her in the forest; she was hunting your tracks. She is the Queen of the Lumine, Kingdom of Warriors. She kills whoever she wants.” She spoke.

  I had heard about the Queen, she was the one who now kept us in that place, she was probably the one who ordered the guards to kill Joy, anger flared inside me thinking about the Queen. I clenched my fists.

  Amary backed up, and I could see the fear in her eyes. “I'm sorry, I'm just not fond of the Queen,” I said. I swear she flinched when I spoke.

  “It is okay” she whispered hoarsely. “I can get you a safe place to stay, “she said, her eyes scanning the grass.

  “That would be perfect,” I said calming down.

  “Follow me.” She turned around walking towards the castle. She entered a small unnoticeable door and climbed up a set of stairs, I knew this was a secret part of the castle, It led into a room full of sculptures of wood. My mind filled up with memories of Joy.

  I still could remember Joy's laughter. I remember her delicate hands sculpting a face of one of the dead. She would tell me “The most beautiful thing about sculpting isn’t the sculpture itself; It's the feelings that come with it.”

  My heart ached at the thought of Joy. I guess I had been standing there a while because Amaryllis had a pile of blankets laid out.

  “You can sleep here, but don't touch any of my stuff, don't even put a finger on it.” She warned me. She pulled open a small door that led into a closet that led to some excellent bedroom fit for a princess. It closed and left me sitting in the dark in the strange room stuffed full of wooden sculptures, I pulled out a wooden key out of my pocket and stared at it. It had a few cursive words written on it. It said, “The way out, the way to freedom, the way to find me.”